Qi Gong Of The Center
Meaning of each stroke: 1st Stroke Expression of the Source of All. 2nd Stroke Living a Human Experience. 3rd Stroke On Earth. 4ª. Stroke. - In Communion with Heaven (The One).
Meaning of each stroke: 1st Stroke Expression of the Source of All. 2nd Stroke Living a Human Experience. 3rd Stroke On Earth. 4ª. Stroke. - In Communion with Heaven (The One).
Practicando Chi Kung podemos fortalecer los Tres Tesoros. Debido a que el jing, el qi y el shen son inseparables, se apoyan y fortalecen mutuamente, lo que conduce a una mejor salud y bienestar físico y emocional. El término Chi Kung se compone de dos palabras. El primero, qi, se ha traducido como la «energía