Breathe the Name of God: An Inner Healing Practice

Respira el Nombre de Dios: Una práctica de sanación interior

Choose one of the names of God that you feel connects you with the Divine or one that resonate with you. If you do not find any name that resonates with you, you could use Love.

Inhale and pronounce the name internally while inspiring.

Example: If I choose Jesus as the name:

  1. Take a deep breath and pronounce the name internally while you breathe in.
  2. Hold the air for a few seconds and let the vibration of The Name fill your whole being.
  3. Expel the air and release the emotion or situation that you want to let go.

It is important to do it consciously. Identify the emotion, take a deep breath, hold, and let it go when you breath out.

Take sets of three breaths, then stop breath deep and slow and start again.

This practice is useful to channel and release the emotions or situations that are affecting you in the present moment. It is also an inner healing practice for situations from the past and it raise your vibration level.
Emotions: Fear, anger, sadness, overthinking and melancholy.
Situations: Soltar las «cargas», dejar ir, perdón….

If you want to send the vibration of the Name of God to another person:

  1. Think about the person with whom you want to share this prayer.
  2. Inhale and pronounce the Name of God internally while inspiring, then, hold the air for a few seconds and let the vibration of The Name fill your whole being. Connect with the person in Love.
  3. Breath out.

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